Well here I am for another instalment a script to join a server to the domain without storing any credentials on the server.
Why I might hear you ask? Well in a VMware environment, storing one of these scripts in your Windows Template will make it easy for you to execute it remotely so that it could be completed by a workflow.
Everyone stores their scripts differently. When I have scripts that I need to store on a host, my Unix background comes out as I normally have a folder located at c:\bin on a server to hold them.
As systems get smarter and you can store scripts in a script repository centrally, I still use the c:\bin folder as the execution folder for these centrally stored scripts.
For this script to run, you need to have set the executionpolicy mode to unrestricted in your powershell console (both 32bit and 64bit). If you have issues with this, I have posted an article here.
The script takes advantage of the Add-Computer powershell command found here.
As you can see in the referenced document, you could modify this script to place the computer into an OU within the domain and a lot of other options.
param([string]$domain, [string]$adminUser, [string]$password)
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($adminUser, (ConvertTo-SecureSTring $password -AsPlainText -Force))
Add-Computer -DomainName $domain -Credential $credential -passthru
This script takes three arguments, The Domain you want to join, The Administrative User (in DOMAIN\USERNAME format) and The Administrative User Password.
All arguments are passed in as plain text.
I am not going into detail of the script as the document referenced earlier explains the functions used quite well.
Okay so I am off for now, see you in the next snippet.
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